LES ESCLAVES DES ESCLAVES SE LÈVENT ! — Journée internationale des femmes 2011 à Montréal

Célébrer nos forces et faire avancer nos luttes

Les peuples d’Égypte, de Tunisie et ailleurs dans le monde se soulèvent, rejettent les chaînes de la peur et de l’oppression pour se dresser contre des dirigeants autoritaires et des régimes d’oppression qui sont eux-mêmes contrôlés par les puissances impérialistes et néolibérales. Des conditions de vie, marquées par la hausse continue des prix et la négation croissante de la dignité humaine, ont conduit à cet état d’ébullition et on assiste maintenant au débordement. Les systèmes politiques et économiques exploiteurs sont mis à jour dans toute leur brutalité.

Au Québec, au Canada, en Haïti, au Sri Lanka, aux Philippines, au Mexique, en Colombie, sur les terres indigènes proches ou lointaines, des femmes sont aux premiers rangs, elles sont toujours le pilier de la résistance à l’oppression, au génocide, à la violence et à l’exploitation.  Les femmes de Palestine, de Tunisie et d’Égypte nous inspirent par leur détermination et leur courage à se battre pour obtenir leur libération et celle de leurs peuples.  Le Comité du 8 mars des femmes de diverses origines rend hommage à ces femmes et lance un appel à toutes pour qu’elles nous rejoignent pour célébrer la Journée internationale des femmes, placée cette année sous le thème ‘Les esclaves des esclaves se lèvent!’

En tant que féministes qui œuvrent pour un monde d’égalité dans tous les domaines, nous sommes opposées au patriarcat sous toutes ses formes, à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des foyers, dans les sphères politique, économique et religieuse.  Les travailleuses, les migrantes, les étudiantes, les femmes autochtones dans toute leur diversité, à Montréal et à travers le Canada, jouent un rôle-clé dans la transformation de la société.  Elles sont présentes sur les lignes de piquetage, les barricades, dans les défilés, les campagnes de syndicalisation, de lutte contre l’exploitation, la discrimination et l’injustice pour créer un monde nouveau, plus juste et libéré de l’ancien monde.

Nous célébrons la longévité de nos groupes de femmes qui continuent à se développer au niveau local en dépit des coupures dans leur financement, ou sans financement aucun – des groupes comme PINAY, l’organisation des femmes philippines du Québec qui fête son 20e anniversaire, le Centre communautaire des femmes sud-asiatiques qui fête ses 30 ans d’existence et le Mouvement contre le viol et l’inceste, des organisations de la base qui sont au service des femmes depuis 35 ans.  Le regroupement des Femmes de diverses origines célèbre aussi sa première décennie.

Ensemble, nous avons contribué à l’émergence d’un militantisme nouveau et d’une prise de conscience dans le mouvement féministe sur la scène locale, nationale et au-delà.  Nous pouvons célébrer le succès de la conférence internationale de Montréal qui s’est tenue en août dernier et qui a débouché sur la formation d’une Alliance internationale des femmes, militante, anti-impérialiste, anti-patriarcale et antiraciste.

Cette année, les activités qui entourent la Journée internationale des femmes à Montréal continueront sur cet élan pour proposer une conférence et un défilé.  Le samedi 5 mars, de 10 heures à 17 heures, notre forum présentera des conférencières qui sont au cœur de luttes locales, proposera des groupes de discussion, des exposés culturels et des tables de documentation.  Il est ouvert à toutes et un service de garde sera offert pour les jeunes enfants.

Ensuite, le mardi 8 mars, Journée internationale des femmes, nous nous joindrons aux femmes du monde entier pour souligner la journée par un défilé qui partira du square Atwater à Montréal à 18 heures.  Vous êtes toutes invitées.  Apportez des bannières, des slogans, des accessoires sonores alors que nous descendrons dans les rues pour proclamer ‘Les esclaves des esclaves se lèvent!’

Info : courriel : wdofdo@gmail.com

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THE SLAVES OF THE SLAVES RISE UP! — International Women’s Day 2011 in Montréal

Celebrating our strength, advancing our struggles

The people of Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere around the world are throwing off the shackles of fear and oppression and rising up against authoritarian rulers and oppressive regimes that themselves are controlled by imperialist and neo-liberal powers. Their living situations with rising prices and increasing lack of human dignity have reached boiling point and are spilling over.  Political and economic exploitative systems are being revealed in all their starkness.

In Québec, Canada, Haiti, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Mexico, Colombia, in indigenous lands near and far, women are on the front lines, always, a backbone of resistance to oppression, genocide, violence and exploitation. The women of Palestine, Tunisia and Egypt inspire us with their determination and courage fighting to gain the liberation of their people and themselves.  The March 8 Committee of Women of Diverse Origins celebrates these women  and sends out a call to all to join us as we mark INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY,  this year under the theme : The Slaves of the Slaves Rise Up !

As feminists, dedicated to a world of equality in all spheres, we oppose patriarchy in all its manifestations, within the home and outside the home, in political, economic and religious spheres .  Women workers, migrants, students, indigenous… women in all their diversity in Montreal and across Canada are playing a key role in transforming society. On the picket lines, standing on the barricades, marching, organizing, rising up against exploitation, discrimination and injustice while creating a new more just, and liberated world out of the old.

We celebrate the longevity of our local women’s groups that thrive despite cuts in funding or no funding at all – groups like PINAY, the Filipino women’s group celebrating its 20th anniversary, the South Asian Women’s Community Centre, celebrating its 30th anniversary, and the Mouvement contre le viol et l’inceste with its 35 years of continuing grassroots organizing and service to women. The Women of Diverse origins is also marking its first decade.

Collectively, we have contributed to  a new militancy and awareness in the women’s movement locally, across the country and even beyond. We have much to celebrate following the successful Montreal International Women’s Conference which we hosted in August, 2010  and in the formation at that time of a militant, anti-imperialist, anti-patriarchal and anti-racist International Women’s Alliance.
This year’s women’s day activities in Montreal will build on that momentum with a conference and rally. On Saturday March 5 from 10 am to 5pm our forum will feature speakers at the heart of local struggles, discussion groups, cultural presentations and literature tables.  It is open to everyone and childcare will be  provided.

Then on Tuesday March 8, which is International Women’s Day, we will join women all over the world by marking the day with a march starting at 6 pm starting from Atwater Square.  All are invited. Bring banners, slogans and noise makers as we take to the streets to announce that “the slaves of the slaves rise up!”

Info: email: wdofdo@gmail.com

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STOP à la violence faite aux femmes (via Women of diverse origins — Femmes de diverses origines)

English below Communiqué Montréal, le 3 décembre, 2010 FINIR AVEC VIOLENCE CONTRE LES FEMMES ICI ET DANS LE MONDE Pour commémorer le 6 décembre, jour en 1989 où 14 jeunes femmes ont été massacrés à l' Institut polytechnique à Montréal, et pour protester contre la violence qui continue à être faite aux femmes au Québec, au Canada et dans le monde, nous, le Collectif des Femmes de diverses origines appuyons de tout cœur les résoluti … Read More

via Women of diverse origins — Femmes de diverses origines

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Check out video coverage of conference by Las Perlas del Mar

las perlas del marCheck out fabulous coverage from the conference including feature interviews and keynote speeches by Liza Maza, Dolores Chew, Brenda Stokely and more at Las Perlas del Mar, a web site dedicated to women’s voices and struggles. www.lasperlasdelmarfilms.com

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Committee against Violence on Women, India, expresses solidarity for MIWC

Thank you for your solidarity message and for your news. We will be watchful of further events in India, and look forward to having you with us in the International Women’s Alliance in the future.


The Committee against Violence on Women (CAVOW), India, expresses its deep solidarity for the International Women’s Conference being held at Montreal, Canada from August 13 to 16, 2010. We express our regrets that we could not attend it but assure you that we are with you in spirit and in struggle. Women all over the world are suffering the brunt of the economic and environmental crisis due to imperialist globalization. There is large scale displacement … Read More

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GABRIELA USA participates in the Montreal International Women’s Conference and the founding of the International Women’s Alliance


Reference: Valerie Francisco, Vice Chair of Mass Campaigns, GABRIELA USA, gabrielawomen@gmail.com


Montréal, Québec, August 16, 2010 — Women of GABRIELA USA joined over 350 participants representing 32 different countries, including Pakistan, India, Kyrgyzstan, the Philippines, Mali, the Czech Republic, Germany, Cuba, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Mexico this past weekend to actively participate in the Montreal International Women’s Conference and the founding of the International Women’s Alliance.




GABRIELA USA was joined by local allies from all across the U.S. including members of VietUnity, Tadaima, Women’s Fightback Network in Boston and New York City, Million Workers March, Picture the Homeless, the International Action Center , Latin American Workers’ Project (NYC), Fight Imperialism Stand Together (FIST), Transit Workers’ Union, Cihuatl Tlatocan- Maiz, and the May 1st Coalition.

miwc2.jpgFrom August 13 to 15, delegates participated in plenaries, workshops, and discussions surrounding a wide variety of themes, including women workers, peasant women, indigenous struggles, developmental aggression, violence against women, racism, discrimination and genocide, as well as resistance to wars and imperialist aggression.  From these workshops and plenaries, drafts of resolutions have been created to tackle these struggles on local and international levels.

During a plenary session, delegates unanimously endorsed a declaration in support of the 490 Tamils from Sri Lanka who arrived aboard the MV Sun Sea in Vancouver, Canada, decrying their ongoing detention while calling upon the Canadian government to accept them as refugees.  In addition, participants also affirmed their solidarity and demanded the release of the 43 health workers who were illegally detained in the Philippines in February this past year.

miwc4.jpgOn August 16, delegates of the conference formalized the assembly by creating the International Women’s Alliance which will build coordination of local, regional and international campaigns, to promote mutual support and the sharing of resistance strategies, and to mobilize women around the world in the struggle against imperialism, violence and capitalist globalization. The first assembly of the International Women’s Assembly will take place in July 2011 in the Philippines.

“As Filipina  women, it is our duty as mothers,  daughters, and sisters to come together and strengthen the movement against the  exploitation and oppression of women rooted in the global imperialist system. We can no longer take the brunt of the economic crisis brought about by this system which causes so much hunger, unemployment, forced migration, and militarization all over the world.   The time is now to bridge our struggles and  strengthen the solidarity of women’s organizations worldwide.  The formation of the  International Women’s Alliance will help fortify the growing people’s movement against imperialism,” stated Raquel Redondiez, chairperson of GABRIELA USA.

miwc3.jpgGABRIELA USA is a national alliance of progressive Filipina women’s organizations including Samahan ng Kababaihan (San Francisco), babae (San Francisco), Pinay sa Seattle (Seattle), Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment (New York City), and Sisters of Gabriela Awaken (Los Angeles).

The initiative for the MIWC and IWA came out of a resolution of the women’s commission of the International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) which met during the 3rd International Assembly of the ILPS in Hong Kong in 2008.

For more information about the conference and alliance, please visit https://miwc2010.wordpress.com/.

Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment (FiRE) is a mass-based women’s organization serving New York City and its surrounding areas. We connect the Filipino diaspora to the women’s struggle in the Philippines. We are women of Philippine descent, including those who are migrants, immigrants and US-born. We recognize Filipino women of mixed heritage and adoptees. FiRE is a LGBTIQ-(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer/Questioning) friendly organization that is inclusive of transgender people of Philippine descent. For more information, please visit http://www.firenyc.org.

We are a proud member organization of GABRIELA-USA, the first overseas chapter of GABRIELA Philippines, with babae in San Francisco, Pinay Sa Seattle in Seattle, WA, and SiGAw in Los Angeles, CA. http://www.gabusa.org

FiRE is a member of BAYAN-USA, an alliance of progressive Filipino groups in the U.S. representing organizations of students, scholars, women, workers, and youth.  To learn more about BAYAN, please visit http://bayanusa.org/


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La Conférence internationale des femmes se termine par la fondation de l’Alliance internationale des femmes

Communiqué – Montréal, le 16 août 2010 — Un nouvel élan a été donné vers la construction d’un mouvement des femmes militant à l’échelle mondiale avec la création d’une Alliance internationale des femmes, au terme de la Conférence internationale des femmes qui s’est clôturé cet après-midi à Montréal.

Après deux jours de fructueuses délibérations, la Conférence s’est en effet terminée par la tenue de l’assemblée de fondation de l’Alliance internationale des femmes. Plus de 350 participantes provenant de 32 pays, dont  le Pakistan, l’Inde, le Kirghizistan, le Mali, les Philippines, la République tchèque, l’Allemagne, le Guatemala, l’Équateur et le Mexique, ont participé à la Conférence. Du 13 au 15 août, les déléguées ont assisté à des séances plénières, des ateliers et tenu des discussions autour d’une grande variété de thèmes, incluant les luttes des peuples autochtones, le développement qui menace les intérêts des peuples, la violence faite aux femmes, le racisme, la discrimination et le génocide, ainsi que la résistance aux guerres et aux agressions impérialistes.

Lors de la session plénière ayant eu lieu samedi, les déléguées ont adopté à l’unanimité une déclaration de soutien aux quelque 490 migrantes et migrants d’origine tamoule qui sont arrivés à Vancouver à bord du MV Sun Sea. La déclaration dénonce en particulier la détention de ces personnes migrantes et enjoint le gouvernement canadien de leur accorder le statut de réfugiées. Les participantes ont également affirmé leur solidarité avec la communauté autochtone du lac Barrière, au Québec, et appelé à la libération des 43 travailleurs et travailleuses de la santé qui sont actuellement détenuEs illégalement aux Philippines. Ces enjeux importants, et d’autres encore, ont fait l’objet de présentations éloquentes de la part des diverses conférencières et panélistes.

La Conférence a été suivie le 16 août par l’Assemblée de fondation de l’Alliance internationale des femmes, qui vise à favoriser l’initiation et la coordination de campagnes locales, régionales et internationales, à promouvoir le soutien mutuel et le partage des diverses stratégies de résistance, et à mobiliser les femmes de partout dans la lutte contre l’impérialisme, la violence et la mondialisation néolibérale. En plus des discussions sur les bases d’unité de la nouvelle Alliance, les participantes ont proposé de nombreuses résolutions, mettant notamment en évidence les luttes des femmes en Palestine et le rôle joué par les femmes en tant que défenseurs de la Pachamama (la Mère terre). La constitution et la bases d’unité de l’Alliance seront adoptées ultérieurement lors de la première assemblée générale de la nouvelle organisation, qui devrait avoir lieu d’ici un an et qui viendra compléter le travail amorcé à la conférence.

Une liste des résolutions, ainsi que le texte de la base d’unité qui ont été discutés, seront rendus publique d’ici quelques jours. La liste complète des conférencières, incluant leur biographie, ainsi que les détails et le programme de la Conférence sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante : https://miwc2010.wordpress.com/.

L’initiative pour la tenue de la CIFM et pour la fondation de l’Alliance internationale des femmes est venue de la Commission des femmes de la Ligue internationale de luttes des peuples (LILP) International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) lors de sa 3e Assemblée internationale à Hong Kong en 2008.

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Check out this link to videoclips of Brenda Stokely, a keynote speaker at the MIWC

Brenda Stokely, co-founder of the Million Worker March, speaks at the Montreal International Women’s Conference about Building Resistances.

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Committee against Violence on Women, India, expresses solidarity for MIWC

The Committee against Violence on Women (CAVOW), India, expresses its deep solidarity for the International Women’s Conference being held at Montreal, Canada from August 13 to 16, 2010. We express our regrets that we could not attend it but assure you that we are with you in spirit and in struggle.

Women all over the world are suffering the brunt of the economic and environmental crisis due to imperialist globalization. There is large scale displacement in the name of development and women are being deprived of land, forest resources and right to livelihood. As hunger and poverty take a toll on the lives of the toiling people, it is women and children who suffer the most due to the gender biases that exist in most parts of the world. As men and women raise their voices to resist this aggression, they face the onslaught of state repression or become victims of militarization and war. Sexual assault is often used to crush a community or a struggling people and women are the soft targets for these heinous crimes.

In India, the picture is no different, with the women of the areas affected by development aggression resisting the armed personnel, vigilante groups and political goons who create havoc by looting their resources, murder, torture and rape. In Chhatisgadh, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa, hundreds of women are being imprisoned in false cases, tortured and raped in custody. In areas like the Northeast (Nagaland, Manipur etc), women are in the forefront of struggles as “Mothers”, Women and student organizations fighting repression on their communities. Kashmir is on the boil with women having no other alternative but join the stone pelting mobs on the streets as 55 people including women and girls have been shot dead by the firing of the military on the agitating unarmed mobs. Dalit and minority (Muslims and Christian) women have been also facing the brunt of Hindutva communal violence in India.

In these circumstances, we feel that women should come together also in international alliances to protest against the violence being unleashed against them and to fight the root causes for this like imperialism and patriarchy that lead to the structural violence against women. We express our support for whatever initiative that the international conference in Montreal takes in this direction.

In solidarity,

Shoma Sen for CAVOW

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Montreal International Women’s Conference concludes with the founding of the International Women’s Alliance

Press Release – Montréal, Québec, August 16, 2010 — Further momentum was generated towards a global, militant women’s movement with the establishment of an International Women’s Alliance (IWA) this afternoon following the Montreal International Women’s Conference.

Today marked the Founding Assembly of the International Women’s Alliance after an immensely successful two-day conference, uniting more than 350 participants from 32 countries, including Pakistan, India, Kyrgyzstan, the Philippines, Mali, the Czech Republic, Germany, Cuba, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Mexico.

From August 13 to 15, delegates participated in plenaries, workshops, and discussions surrounding a wide variety of themes, including indigenous struggles, developmental aggression, violence against women, racism, discrimination and genocide, as well as resistance to wars and imperialist aggression.

During a plenary session on Saturday, April 14, 2010, delegates unanimously endorsed a declaration in support of the 490 Tamils from Sri Lanka who arrived aboard the MV Sun Sea in Vancouver, Canada, decrying their ongoing detention while calling upon the Canadian government to accept them as refugees.

In addition, participants also affirmed their solidarity with the Algonquin indigenous community of Barrière Lake, Québec, while calling for the release of the 43 health workers illegally detained in the Philippines.

The Conference was followed by the founding of the International Women’s Alliance on August 16 in order to foster the creation and coordination of local, regional and international campaigns, to promote mutual support and the sharing of resistance strategies, and to mobilize women around the world in the struggle against imperialism, violence and capitalist globalization.

Discussions unfolded surrounding the Basis of Unity, as participants advanced numerous resolutions, including ones highlighting the struggles faced by women in Palestine and upholding the role of women as defenders of Pachamama (Mother Earth). The Constitution and Basis of Unity will be adopted at the time of the first General Assembly of the International Women’s Alliance, projected to take place within a year’s time in order to carry on with the important work of the conference. An international coordinating committee has been set up to prepare the IWA General Assembly.

A list of all resolutions, along with the proposed Basis of Unity, will be available within the next few weeks. Complete speakers’ bios, conference details, the workshop program and more can be found on the conference blog at https://miwc2010.wordpress.com/.

The initiative for the MIWC and IWA came out of a resolution of the women’s commission of the International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) which met during the 3rd International Assembly of the ILPS in Hong Kong in 2008.

For more information, to arrange interviews with conference organizers and/or international delegates, please contact:

MIWC Media Committee +1 514-961-4047

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