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Work in progress: What Parliament will be focusing on in coming months




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ParliamentBack to work after the summer recess, the European Parliament has plenty in its in-tray: climate change, foreign policy, illegal immigration, refugees, the EU's 2015 budget, scrutinizing the new European Commission to be led by Jean-Claude Juncker…
Although Juncker is in place as president-elect of the Commission and Federica Mogherini was proposed as the EU's next high representative for foreign affairs, the College of Commissioners still has to be formally nominated by Juncker and assessed and voted on by MEPs. The first hearings in Parliament could already start in late September.

Foreign policy will also be an important topic of discussion, following the crises in Ukraine, Iraq and Gaza.

On climate change, the EP will focus on reducing CO2 emissions and stimulating the low carbon economy. With Europe importing more than 60% of its gas and 80% of its oil, another key issue will be boosting energy security.

The inevitable debates on the EU's 2015 budget will also resume. While the EU is attempting to move from austerity to growth, job creation - especially for young people - will remain a priority.

With Italy in charge of the Council presidency until the end of the year, efforts to adopt a more unified response to tackling illegal immigration and the increased number of refugees will be one of the hot topics to be discussed.

Finally, who will follow in the footsteps of Malala Yousafzai, winner of last year's Sakharov Prize? Candidates for this award will be announced in September. And which film will win the Parliament’s Lux Prize?

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