/The 5+5 Dialogue
The 5+5 Dialogue 2024-03-07T14:48:00+00:00

5+5 Dialogue

The 5+5 Dialogue serves as a sub-regional forum for the ten Western Mediterranean countries that take part since its creation, five from the north of the Mediterranean (Spain, France, Italy, Malta and Portugal) and five from the southern shore (Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia). It constituted one of the first prolific initiatives between Mediterranean countries and a prelude of the structures that were built with the Barcelona Process from 1995 onwards.

Although the idea of a sub-regional forum was conceived on the previous decade under a French initiative, it was finally fostered in 1990 with the celebration in Rome of a first foreign affairs ministerial meeting. It took place in the middle of a changing context where the creation of the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) and the evolution of the European Community gave a strong impulse to the political dialogue among the actors of both regions, and it is seen as an opportunity to foster cooperation and address shared challenges together in a more regular basis.

After an interruption of ten years, the Dialogue resumed in Lisbon in January 2001. Apart from the almost annual foreign affairs ministerial meetings, erected as a pillar of the 5+5 Dialogue ever since its creation, the forum progressively expanded its scope to other spheres, such as defence, transport, migrations and education.

The Summits of heads of state and government of Tunis in 2003 and La Valetta in 2012, gave public visibility and support to the Forum, considered as a useful tool for the member countries. Furthermore, the 5+5 Dialogue has become an inclusive initiative by involving actors across-the-board such as the European institutions and the Union for the Mediterranean, but also by expanding progressively to new fields of cooperation within the framework such as renewable energy and environment, health, education, culture, tourism and water, among others. The 5+5 Dialogue has repeatedly proven its utility by granting the capacity of the 5+5 Member States to work together towards the achievement of shared goals and facing common challenges, and will keep doing so in the years to come.

More information:

Genesis, historical evolution and operation
Ministerial dynamics and formats

The table below presents the set of official meetings that took place within the framework of the 5+5 Dialogue, classified according to their year and ministerial domain. By clicking the name of the cities where the meetings took place corresponding declaration will be downloaded.

of State and Government
Foreign Affairs
Energy and Enviroment
Research and Higher Education
2023 Lisbon
2022 Rabat Nouakchott Valencia
2021 Valletta (online) Nouakchott (online) Alicante
2020 Tunis Marrakech Valletta (online)
2019 Valletta Rome Rome Lisbon Montpellier
2018 Algiers Nouakchott Rome Algiers
2017  Paris Tunis Paris / Valletta Tunis
2016 Marseille Algiers Casablanca Marrakesh
2015 Tanger Lisbon Tunis Lisbon Madrid Algiers
2014 Lisbon Lisbon Grenade Lisbon Marseille
2013 Nouakchott Alger Guimarâes Rabat Algiers
2012 Valletta Rome Algiers Rabat
2011 Nouakchott Tunis
2010 Tunis Tripoli Valletta Oran
2009 Cordoue Venise Rome Tripoli Biarritz
2008 Rabat Nouackhott Tunis Evora Ajaccio
2007 Tunis Caligari
2006 Nice Algeciras Paris Hammamet
2005 Valletta Rabat Paris Algiers
2004 Oran Tunis Algiers Paris
2003 Tunis Sainte-Maxim Valletta Rabat
2002 Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli
2001 Lisbon
1991 Algiers
1990 Rome

1995-2000: Summits of Ministers of Interior in Tunis 1995 – Rabat 1996 – Paris 1997 – Naples 1998 – Algiers 1999 – Lisbon 2000.
1995-1997: Summits of the Secretaries of Transport in Paris and Rabat 1995 – Madrid 1997.